It Is Well With My Soul: March 3, 2022

It Is Well With My Soul

“For he says, ‘At an acceptable time I have listened to you, and on a day of salvation I have helped you.’ See, now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!” – 2 Corinthians 6:2

Something was wrong with my husband. He was getting winded walking up hills in our neighborhood and had stopped doing cardio at the gym. Sometimes he complained of indigestion or pressure in his chest when we were walking, and he looked a little gray. He’d had a physical in May and “everything was fine.” Well, it wasn’t!

In August, after keeping notes about how he felt for two months, he finally contacted our doctor. Two days before her well-deserved sabbatical, she scheduled him for a stress test, which indicated something was definitely wrong with my husband! It took a week to get an appointment with the doctor who was covering for our family doctor. That was possibly the longest and most difficult week of my life. I prayed unceasingly for strength and courage for us both.

Finally, the appointment came on a Tuesday and the whirlwind began. He had a referral to a cardiologist on Wednesday, a heart catheterization on Thursday, and on Friday, emergency open-heart surgery to bypass three arteries including the left main, which was 96% blocked! The left main is often referred to as the widow-maker since a blockage results in immediate death. Unquestionably, something was wrong with my husband!

During his four hours of surgery, I walked, prayed, and texted with prayer warriors who were supporting us both. The surgical team called to let me know when he went onto the heart/lung machine and when he came off. I felt a sense of calm, love, and hopefulness. All was well with my soul.

During his recovery, we were supported by each of our two sons spending a week with us with a one-day celebratory overlap when they both were here. Members of the parish brought food and checked in on us. The surgery was successful, and he worked hard at rehabilitation. Now, thanks be to God, all is well with my soul and my husband.

Thank you, God, for your love and protection for us and those we love. Thank you for prayer warriors, medical professionals, loving children, and caring Christian communities. Thank you for helping us on the day of our salvation. Amen.
-Cathey Frederick