Agape: March 3, 2020

Agape: The 2020 Lenten Devotional for St. Paul's Episcopal Church

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34

King David instructed the Levites to sing this verse while they officiated in the national sanctuaries. They wore very elaborate robes and sang with various musical instruments. The instruments of that time were harp, finger cymbals, stringed lyre, horn and pan flute.

It seems to me that David’s time spent in places for worship were no different than our times of worship. We may not leap about, dancing and offering burnt offerings, but we hear the same words and sing the same verses. We use instruments and wear vestments.

I often wonder if we pay attention, learn, follow and thank the Lord just like the people of David’s time did. I’d like to think that we do even a bit more.

I am amazed at the deep meaning of this simple directive. It has been said and sung over thousands of lifetimes. How can anyone not believe something so simple yet so profound?

Holy Father, thank you for the beautiful Scripture verse and song that we use today, just as our ancestors did. Let us hold its deep meaning and your steadfast love for all eternity. Amen.
-Sister Katharine, OSB