Dispatches from Honduras: Installment # 6

Dispatches from Honduras

(As a way of helping the people of St. Paul’s feel engaged with what he is doing in Honduras, Fr. Paul will be sending a picture and brief text about his activity that day to post on Facebook, the church website, and in the e-blast on Thursdays.)

This morning, I led a workshop on fear of God for leaders of the Episcopal mission in this area of Honduras. We gathered at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in the town of Ojo de Agua.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church.

The leaders of the Episcopal mission.

Dispatches from Honduras: Installment # 5

Dispatches from Honduras

(As a way of helping the people of St. Paul’s feel engaged with what he is doing in Honduras, Fr. Paul will be sending a picture and brief text about his activity that day to post on Facebook, the church website, and in the e-blast on Thursdays.)

Enjoyed kids’ artwork and made three home visits to folks who participated in our water filter ministry… and a peek at the views.

Tomorrow, a day leading theological formation for church leaders.

Kids' artwork!

Home visit.

A peeka at the views.

Dispatches from Honduras: Installment #4

Dispatches from Honduras

(As a way of helping the people of St. Paul’s feel engaged with what he is doing in Honduras, Fr. Paul will be sending a picture and brief text about his activity that day to post on Facebook, the church website, and in the e-blast on Thursdays.)

Helped pack medicine last night, then spent today with health guardians from 24 villages. They learned about taking blood pressure and glucose levels, and I hosted a discussion about domestic violence.

Packing medicine.

Hosting a discussion on domestic violence.

Dispatches from Honduras: Installment #3

Dispatches from Honduras

(As a way of helping the people of St. Paul’s feel engaged with what he is doing in Honduras, Fr. Paul will be sending a picture and brief text about his activity that day to post on Facebook, the church website, and in the e-blast on Thursdays.)

Busy day today, over 100 patients. Got to visit with my god-daughter. I am incorrigible with the kids.

We had a nutritionist with us who gave talks on good nutrition, especially for diabetics.