Metanoia: March 19, 2018

2 Samuel 7:4,8-16
Romans 4:13-18
Luke 2:41-52
Psalm 89:1-29 or 89:1-4, 26-29

Have you ever lost a child? I am somewhat chagrined to admit (or confess) that I have. Barb and I went to see the WSU Cougars play a football game in Pullman. At that time our son David was about 3 years old. During the game, he and I had to take care of some personal (but necessary) business. He took care of his and I told him to wait a moment while I finished mine. When I turned back around, he was gone. Vanished! I zipped out of the lavatory and looked high and low for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. I went back to our seat to tell Barb I had lost our only begotten son – our beloved – when what to my wondering eyes did appear, but him sitting with her; I’d had nothing to fear!

He had not listened to my instructions, but he knew where he was and where he was going, so after he’d “gone” he went (so to speak). Knowing Mary and Joseph had lost Jesus gives me comfort knowing I wasn’t the first, and surely won’t be the last. Jesus knew where he was and where he was going. Joseph and Mary had to learn to trust him, as do we all.

Gracious God, you have made us guardians of your creation. We often mess it up. We often lose our way, and yet you are always there to bring us home, to clean up those messes we are unable or unwilling to face. Please watch over us and continue to guide and direct us so that we (and all those you love) may always find the way home into your loving embrace. Amen.
-Keith Axberg