“We beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” – 2 Corinthians 6:2
When I was a child, new to church (having been raised in no church at all), I didn’t know what to make of it. I didn’t know who Jesus was, except that he seemed to like children (“… suffer the children to come unto me”) and sheep (“I am the good shepherd”). While I was sure the Sunday school teachers and ministers were telling me the truth, I didn’t really believe them. I examined my life, and although I can’t imagine for the life of me (at that tender age of eight or nine) what I might have considered all my trespasses to have been, I was sure I was going to hell, regardless of what the Bible, pastor, or teachers told me. It wasn’t my deeds that concerned me; it was my soul. I was convinced I would approach the Pearly Gates a minute late and a dollar short.
Somewhere, somehow, and in some way, over the past fifty-five years since my baptism, confirmation, and ordinations (Deacon, then Priest) I came to let go of the part of my ego that told me my sins and brokenness were too much for God to handle. Personally, I believe thinking I am (or we are) too bad for God gives God a fit of the giggles. I mean, there are a few sins left in my bucket list, if I’m going to be completely honest. So it is in light of that I find Paul’s admonition to his friends quite helpful. “We BEG you on behalf of Christ, be R-E-C-O-N-C-I-L-E-D to God.” In other words, get over yourself. It is well with my soul because we are new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17), and God has balanced the books in our favor.
God, I admit I often worry too much about me, and not nearly enough about thee, but you are One whose property is always to have mercy. Have mercy on me, then, and help me know it is well with my soul because you have said so; that settles it. Amen.
– Fr. Keith Axberg