It Is Well With My Soul: April 13, 2022

It Is Well With My Soul

“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 2:5

Wow – the same mind as Christ’s mind! I remember thinking that must be impossible. Especially in my early days of serious Christianity. And then, ever so gradually, God began to teach me that, indeed, it was not only possible but also His will for me. I learned that my job was to listen to Him and follow His directions. Sometimes His directions seemed a little unusual – like the time I had a secure job in which I could use my nursing skills well. It seemed that He had a better plan – a complete change of nursing field in which He was able to use my skills even better and lead me to a Master’s degree, faculty position, and school nurse jobs until retirement. Because I listened to His mind.

Dear God, help us to focus on letting your same mind be in each of us. Amen.
-Barb Cheyney