Read: Hebrews 5:5-10
“Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered…” – Hebrews 5:8
Humility is a quality we don’t hear about very often. To some, it sounds “weak.” It doesn’t satisfy their need for power, influence, or strength. Yet, through humble obedience, Jesus was “made perfect” and “became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” I don’t think there’s any power stronger than that.
“Obedience” is another unpopular word these days. Some believe that only the one who commands is strong; the one who obeys is weak. How many strong leaders have sacrificed themselves for the benefit of humankind? More likely, they have thrown their followers under the proverbial bus to advance their own agendas. Yet Jesus was a leader who sacrificed himself for those who followed him. They were mainly the “losers” of the world: the poor, the disabled, lepers, tax collectors, shepherds, slaves, even women. Why would he throw away his life for them? Maybe because he saw God’s image in each one, and because they were precisely the ones he came to set free.
Today’s world seems to demand a choice from us. We can line up behind leaders of this world and pin our hopes on the temporarily powerful people, newsmakers, and “influencers.” Or we can follow the humble, obedient Jesus and live the life God has envisioned for us, one where we love our enemies, comfort the brokenhearted, and welcome the stranger. I will pin my hopes on the obedient Son, the humble leader, Jesus the Christ.
Gracious God, who saw the suffering of the world and sent salvation in the form of your Son, keep me mindful of those in need and open my heart to humble obedience to your will. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.
-Carol Treston