Here is our Holy Week schedule. Information for any Zoom services will be available 1 hour before worship starts.
Palm Sunday (April 2, 2023)
8:00: Spoken Eucharist
9:30: Liturgy of the Palms and Eucharist in-person and on Zoom
Holy Wednesday (April 5, 2023)
6:00: Tenebrae (bilingual) in-person and on Zoom
Maundy Thursday (April 6, 2023)
6:00: Maundy Thursday service (bilingual) in-person and on Zoom
Good Friday (April 7, 2023)
12:00: Stations of the Cross (English)
6:00: Good Friday Liturgy (bilingual) in-person and on Zoom
Holy Saturday (April 8, 2023)
8:00 p.m.: Great Vigil of Easter (bilingual) in-person and on Zoom
Easter Sunday (April 9, 2023)
8:00: spoken Eucharist
9:30: Flowering of the Cross and Eucharist with a brass band in-person and on Zoom