Holy Manna: March 3, 2023

Holy Manna: A Lenten Devotional for St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Read: Matthew 4:1-11

“Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted …”

Our focus this year is on community.

The story of Jesus in the wilderness variously describes him as being led by the Spirit (Matthew, Luke), or “driven” by the Spirit (Mark) to be “tempted.” I’m fascinated by those two images, those two approaches. Early on in my ministry, a well-seasoned vestry member gave me some advice in being a church leader: “Remember you’re a pastor, a shepherd. Shepherds lead flocks; cowboys drive cattle.”

Mark tells us Jesus was, literally “driven” into the wilderness. It’s the same word being used as when Jesus “drove” the moneychangers out of the temple. It’s a John Wayne moment, in some ways, but sometimes we need to be driven to do the right thing, to stop doing the wrong thing. Perhaps Jesus’ first temptation had nothing to do with the devil, but with his desire to stay home and keep on keeping on with his daily routine. I sometimes think God drove me out of law enforcement and into ministry, even though I felt awfully ill-equipped to do the job. What on earth did I know about God or ministry? A whip cracked and I heard the voice say, “Move along, little doggie!” So I did.

Matthew tells the story a bit differently. Here he sees the Spirit leading Jesus into the wilderness, much like the shepherd in Psalm 23. Jesus follows the Spirit into the wilderness, just like we follow the One who is our Good Shepherd. He locates still waters, lush green grasses and (as our knees knock in nervous anxiety) leads us through the valley of the shadow. Although Jesus may seem alone in his own journey, the Spirit is with him, leading him, guiding him, and watching over him. We may sometimes seem alone, too, but we’re not. Jesus leads, guides, and watches over us – always.

Lent reminds us that we, too, are called to lead. We know where the still waters are: Jesus leads us there. We know where the green grass is. Jesus leads us there. We know our way through the valley of the shadow, for Jesus leads us through that, as well.

Let us pray. Guide us O, thou great Jehovah, to the promised land. We are weak, but thou art able, hold us with thy powerful hand. Amen.
–Fr. Keith Axberg