Read: John 12:1-11
In this passage in John’s Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus receiving a gift from his friend Mary of Bethany.
The scented oils that she uses are expensive. Can you imagine how Mary would have felt if Jesus had said “oh you shouldn’t have …” or “I can’t let you spend so much on me!”
But we do this all the time to our friends and family, don’t we? They go out of the way to get us something special, and we tell them “it’s too much” or “I don’t deserve it.”
During Lent, we are following the life that Jesus led not just in ministry but also how he treated his friends. That is a clue about his leadership. He showed us how to be a good friend, didn’t he? He showed us how to allow others to give us gifts. He accepted these loving moments with his whole heart. And I think his friends and followers could tell that he was a humble and appreciative person, making him not only a charismatic leader but a warm and grateful friend.
It is not about “humility” when someone gives us a gift. It is about following the model Jesus set forth for us – to be a good receiver. I can imagine the warm smile on Jesus’ face and the love Mary felt in receiving that smile.
-Margie Adams