Listening Time Tonight at the Church

People have expressed concerns about the recent re-election of Donald Trump as president, so Fr. Paul has offered to be at church tonight at 6 p.m. to meet with people, listen to their concerns, and offer prayers.

Regardless of your attendance tonight, we would like to know your thoughts and/or concerns, so we have a simple survey form for you to fill out. Be as brief or as wordy as you like. Your name is optional.

Click here for the survey form.

Lent and Ash Wednesday

06:30 a.m.: Imposition of Ashes
12:00 p.m.: Imposition of Ashes
06:00 p.m.: Bilingual Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes

Our Lenten devotional book this year is entitled “Hope to Carry On”. You can download a copy here. If you would like a large print copy, click here. If you want to download it onto your e-reader or phone, simply open the link on the device of your choice.

It also appears in daily chunks on Facebook, this website, and on an email list. If you would like to receive it in email form, click here to sign up.

We will be looking at Jay Bowen’s new book on Wednesday nights at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall. We will be having soup and bread, and there will be a sign-up sheet for that in the Fellowship Hall.