It Is Well With My Soul: April 5, 2022

It Is Well With My Soul

“Yet whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ.” – Philippians 3:7

“Whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ.” I certainly can’t present as sterling a set of credentials as Paul…but I think I can come pretty close. I was born in America in the mid-20th century — a true child of empire. More to the point, I was born white, male, and of Protestant northern European ancestors. That’s a whole lot of privilege, and having traveled the world, I have had a visceral appreciation of its value. That said, the example of Christ is a constant reminder that my “righteousness” comes not from the circumstances of my birth and background, or even what I have been able to accomplish because of them, but comes instead through “straining forward” in my effort to live into the Gospel message.

Lord, in the midst of my worldly striving, keep me ever mindful of the surpassing value of knowing you, Christ Jesus my Lord. Amen.
-Michael Boss