My Soul Rejoices: November 30, 2022

My Soul Rejoices

“There is no Holy One like the Lord, no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.” – 1 Samuel 2:2

As Hannah praises the Lord, she characterizes God as a Rock. This simile of God as Rock is used frequently in the Psalms and often seems to have the meaning of refuge and/or salvation. When, like Hannah, you are in the desert, any rock is going to provide a little shade and a place to hide from your enemies. How much more of a refuge is God, the Holy One!

I grew up in the rolling hills of northeastern Oklahoma and always loved our summer trips to Colorado where my father was born. Halfway across Kansas, we could begin to see the Rocky Mountains, and their grandeur and majesty spoke to me of God’s presence and power. Now I am blessed to live in this beautiful Skagit Valley where mountains remind me daily that God is my rock.

Beginning in 7th grade I attended a Methodist church where I sang in the choir, participated in MYF, and went to Sunday night services where we sang praise songs from a book called “Upper Room Hymns.” One of my favorites was “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me”, and as I recalled that period of my life, I began to wonder how many songs I know that characterize God/Jesus as a Rock. It turns out there are a lot! Here are a few of my favorites: “I Will Call Upon the Lord”; “On Christ, the Solid Rock I Stand”; “Rock of My Salvation”; “Oh, Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer”; and from Flor y Canto, and “El Señor es mi Fuerza”.

Dearest Lord, our Rock and Salvation, as we await again the celebration of the coming of your Son, help us to magnify your name through our praise and our actions. Lead us to glorify your name and share your blessings with those in need. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
-Cathey Frederick