Read: Romans 4:13-25
“Therefore, the promise comes by faith, so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring—not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all.” – Romans 4:16
Wow! I wonder how my Grandfather, a Pentecostal preacher, would have dealt with this passage. Since we lived half a continent apart, I only heard him preach a few times, and Jonathan Edwards’ sermon title, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” summarizes my recollection of his message. He often quoted John 14:6, “I am THE WAY and the truth and the life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through me.” It was THE WAY – and no other.
I grew up hearing and believing that message in a Christian home, and, mostly, a Christian small town. But Paul’s message in Romans tells a different story: Grace is guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring, including Greeks, and by extension Gentiles…”He is the Father of us all.” Hmmm…. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, tribal cultures, those who are spiritual, but not religious? It sounds like Paul is saying that the answer is “YES,” if we have faith in God. Interactions with many people of various cultures and beliefs over the years have helped redefine my belief system. Many differences define our faith journeys, but our commonality far outweighs these differences.
So, Grandpa, you were right as far as your faith allowed you to go, and you were right in terms of my recognition of Jesus as the way for me. And I will continue to connect with my other brothers and sisters who are Abraham’s children as well!
Dear God, grant us your wisdom and understanding to seek to know ALL of your children and their faith journeys. Amen.
-Cathey Frederick