Even When It Hurts: March 14, 2021

Even When It Hurts -- Lent 2021 Devotional Book

Read: Psalm 56

In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I am not afraid; what can flesh do to me?
-Psalm 56:4

The notes on this psalm say that David composed or sang this when the Philistines seized him at Gath. According to the account in 1 Samuel 21:10-15, David was acting like a mad man, presumably trying to keep from staying in their custody. Apparently, it worked because Achish, the king of the Philistines, did not want David in his presence.

The psalm itself is fairly upbeat for a “psalm of lament”. He does express concern about “people trampl[ing] on him” (v.2), “seek[ing] to injure [his] cause” (v.5), and “stir[ring] up strife” (v.6), but the majority of it is recalling God’s strength and protection. What confidence he has!

Does this mean that all of us are remiss for not having the same level of confidence as David? Not at all. We are going to go through times when we don’t have a clear path forward. I think the trick, however, is to remember that God *IS* and *WILL BE* present through it, even if we are saying those words with shaky voices and trembling hearts.

Be present with us in the midst of trial, Lord. Amen.
-Jen McCabe